Carter & Moyers School of Education

Graduate Programs
School of Education Accreditation

LMU is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools to award associate, baccalaureate, masters, specialist and doctorate degrees. Contact the Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097 or call 404-679-4500 for questions about the accreditation of LMU.

The Carter & Moyers School of Education was granted accreditation at the initial teacher preparation and advanced preparation levels by the Accreditation Council of National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) at its October 2013 meeting. NCATE has now transitioned to the Council for Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP).

The graduate initial teacher preparation programs include licensure for Grades K-5; K-12 in Visual Art and Physical Education; Grades 6-12 for Biology, Business, English, Chemistry, History, Math and Physics. Special Education is offered as K-8 and 6-12 Interventionist and K-12 Comprehensive. Advanced preparation levels include the Master of Education (MEd), Educational Specialist (EdS), and Doctor of Education (EdD) programs. Master of Education program offers concentrations in Educational Leadership (EL), Instructional Leadership (IL), Instructional Practice (IP), Elementary Education with Teacher Licensure, Secondary Education with Teacher Licensure and Special Education with Teacher Licensure. The Master of Education program also offers concentrations in School Counselor licensure and Mental Health Counseling. The Educational Specialist programs offer concentrations in Instructional Practice, Educational Leadership, Instructional Leadership, and Professional Counseling & Educational Leadership (PCEL). The Doctor of Education program includes non-licensure concentrations in Instructional Leadership, and Instructional Practice.

CAEP determined the Carter and Moyers School of Education met all standards and components required during its last site visit and granted the school accreditation for the full seven-year term. The next accreditation site visit will occur in Spring 2027. The School of Education submits an annual report to maintain its accreditation status and demonstrate continuous improvement efforts.

The School Counseling Program and Mental Health Counseling Program at LMU are accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling & Related Educational Programs (CACREP). CACREP accreditation is a quality review process that ensures the quality, content, and delivery of counselor education programs. The student can be assured that appropriate knowledge and skill areas are included in training and that the program is stable and meets the highest standards of the counseling profession.

Educator Preparation Provider (EPP) Vision and Mission:

The Carter & Moyers School of Education prepares and mentors professional educators of distinction through Values, Education, and Service to be teachers, administrators, school leaders, or other school professionals whose practice will improve student learning.

EPP Goals from the Carter & Moyers School of Education Strategic Plan 2015-2027:

  1. Maintain successful accreditation with CAEP and CACREP.
  2. Pursue donor development and fundraising in support of the school's initiatives and graduate student scholarships.
  3. Continue activities which build regional program visibility and school, district, and state partnerships with the School of Education.
  4. Strengthen undergraduate education program enrollment, particularly in secondary education programs.
  5. Develop streamlined systematic comprehensive technology-based processes for tracking graduate program inquirers, applicants, and admits.
  6. Promote a culture of evidence and improvement among all School faculty, candidates, and stakeholders.
  7. Explore opportunities for maintaining adequate faculty resources.
  8. Give priority emphasis to strengthening the school’s commitment to diversity and supporting the school’s diversity action plan, including the recruitment of diverse faculty and candidates for all School of Education programs.
  9. Improve the visibility and viability of the school and its programs with the implementation of effective marketing and recruitment plans.
  10. Continue the focus on “closing the loop” and program improvement, utilizing appropriate assessment measures and analyses.
  11. Utilize database technologies for tracking program improvement and candidate progress.
  12. Pursue improved recruitment, compensation, orientation, and professional development of adjunct faculty.
  13. Enhance assessment data gathering, storage, and retrieval for all programs.
  14. Develop face-to-face and online training modules for the use of LMU and School of Education technology.
  15. Strengthen field experiences in all School of Education programs.
  16. Maintain and enhance the School of Education website.
  17. Improve the coordination and scheduling of graduate faculty and classes.
  18. Explore the development and implementation of blended courses in all School of Education programs.
  19. Develop department and program outcomes statements for all School programs.

EPP Shared Values and Beliefs

“Preparing professional educators of distinction to make a positive impact on this generation and the next” guides the initial and advanced programs’ content, delivery, focus, and emphases for the preparation of professional educators to improve learning and challenge all K-12 students. The EPP Shared Values and Beliefs are aligned to the EPP’s three themes of Values, Education, and Service. Candidates apply the themes as follows:

  1. Values:
    1. Models leadership practices of Abraham Lincoln
    2. Respects individual rights
    3. Embodies ethical practices and professional responsibility
    4. Embraces changes to improve student learning and advance the profession
    5. Respects and appreciates individual and group differences
    6. Collaborates with other educators, student families and caretakers, and community stakeholders
  2. Education:
    1. Commits to equitable and effective teaching and instruction for all students
    2. Engages in and applies research to professional practices
    3. Demonstrates in-depth knowledge of critical concepts of discipline, connections to cross-disciplinary content, and multiple pedagogical strategies
    4. Thinks creatively and critically
    5. Gathers data through multiple assessment strategies to reflect, monitor, analyze, and direct instructional practices
    6. Uses technology to work effectively with stakeholders and to support student learning
  3. Service
    1. Believes in and demonstrates servant- leadership
    2. Understands that education is a service to the local and global community
    3. Seeks to serve the needs of the local and global community, especially the underserved

Unit Commitment to Diversity

The School of Education recognizes differences among groups of people and individuals based on ethnicity, race, socioeconomic status, gender, exceptionalities, language, religion, sexual orientation, and geographical area. The unit designs, implements, and evaluates curriculum and provides experiences for candidates to acquire and demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and professional dispositions necessary to help all students learn. Assessments indicate that candidates can demonstrate and apply proficiencies related to diversity. Experiences provided for candidates include working with diverse populations, including higher education, and K-12 school faculty, candidates, and students in K-12 schools.

Carter & Moyers School of Education Dispositions

  1. Demonstrates Effective Oral Communication Skills
  2. Demonstrates effective Written Communication Skills
  3. Demonstrates Professionalism
  4. Demonstrates a Positive and Enthusiastic Attitude
  5. Demonstrates Preparedness in Teaching and Learning
  6. Exhibits an Appreciation of and Value for Cultural and Academic Diversity
  7. Collaborates Effectively with Stakeholders
  8. Demonstrates Self-Regulated Learner Behaviors/Takes Initiative
  9. Exhibits the Social and Emotional Intelligence to Promote Personal and Educational Goals/Stability

Professional Certification and Licensure Disclaimer

The Carter & Moyers School of Education is an educator preparation program approved by the Tennessee Department of Education, leading to candidate licensure for teachers, school counselors, and administrators in Tennessee. Authorization for the university to provide a program for the preparation of teachers, school counselors, or administrators in the State of Tennessee does not guarantee eligibility or reciprocity for certification, licensure, or benefits in any other state.

Pathways used to apply for licensure in other states include the following:

  1. Interstate Agreement (Interstate Agreement Documents). Please note that a NASDTEC Interstate Agreement does not guarantee full reciprocity. Most states have their own minimum Jurisdictional Specific Requirements (JSRs) that must be met by new graduates or educators who seek to earn full certification or licensure in other states. These Jurisdictional Specific Requirements may include but are not limited to, additional testing or assessments, variance in type, content area, or grade span of endorsements, professional development or mandatory training, and curriculum comparability or specific coursework.
  2. Recognition of a CAEP (Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation) accredited program. 
  3. Some states do not have standard pre-approval guidelines or agreements/contracts with other states or CAEP. These states rely on an individual analysis of transcripts and documentation for each applicant. If relocating to a state that uses transcript analysis, carefully consider those requirements during program completion. For example, some states do not accept coursework graded as pass/fail or have specific content curriculum requirements.

In agreement with NASDTEC, Lincoln Memorial University strongly recommends that licensure candidates seek licensure in Tennessee and then apply in other states using the out-of- state licensure process. Candidates must be aware that the Undergraduate Initial Teacher Licensure, Undergraduate Special Education, Graduate Teacher Licensure, Graduate Special Education, Graduate School Counseling, and Graduate Instructional Leadership programs offered within the Carter & Moyers School of Education at Lincoln Memorial University are designed to ensure eligibility for a teaching license in Tennessee. NASDTEC (2020) cautions prospective teacher candidates that each state is responsible for its own certification/licensure requirements, which may change without notice to NASDTEC or your university’s certification officers or your state’s office of certification. Candidates should always contact the office of certification in any state of relocation to get the most accurate information on certification requirements. Certification application materials, requirements, and instructions on applying for licensure in other states are located on each state’s Department of Education website. The out-of-state application process may require that Lincoln Memorial University complete a form to verify enrollment in an approved educator preparation program. This form often requires a signature from either the Dean or a certification officer. Verification forms for the Carter & Moyers School of Education should be sent to Sue England, Director of Licensure and Testing for completion. Or check the link on Professional Licensure Disclosures on the Consumer Information Webpage at: Consumer Information (

Graduate Education Information

All degree programs require candidates to analyze, explore, question, reconsider, and synthesize old and new knowledge and skills. The curricula have depth and rigor to develop the specialized skills necessary to prepare candidates for opportunities in a global economy and environment, while encouraging creativity and assisting candidates develop their vision for the future.

Off-campus Sites and Delivery Formats

In order to expand the possibilities for serving candidates of the Appalachian area and beyond, the School of Education offers graduate programs at the following off-campus sites and delivery formats:

Online Program




Educational Leadership, Instructional Leadership, and Instructional Practice

Cedar Bluff Site, 421 Park 40 North Blvd., Knoxville, TN37923



MEd Educational Leadership, and Instructional Leadership


Elementary Education, Secondary Education, Special Education, and Instructional Practice


School Counseling, and Mental Health Counseling


Educational Leadership, Instructional Leadership, Instructional Practice, and Professional Counseling & Educational Leadership


Instructional Leadership, and Instructional Practice

Academic Information 

Maximum Program Completion
Students who enter the MEd or EdS graduate program must complete their studies for their graduate degree within seven years after initial registration. An extension may be requested of the program director for personal or professional reasons. 

Time Restrictions/Limitations
Requirements for graduate education degrees, with the exception of the Doctor of Education, must be completed in no less than one year and within seven years of initial graduate enrollment. Candidates in the doctoral program must complete all degree requirements based on the following schedule:

  • 36-Hour Program Candidates: five years from the time of initial enrollment
  • 48-Hour Program Candidates: six years from the time of initial enrollment
  • 63-Hour Program Candidates: seven years from the time of initial enrollment

Any exception to this policy requires approval of the dean of the School of Education.

Applicable Catalog
The candidate must meet the requirements of the Graduate Education Catalog in effect at the time of entry into the program. In no case will a candidate be permitted to meet the requirements of a Graduate Education Catalog in effect prior to initial graduate program enrollment.

Transfer Graduate Credit
At least one-third of the credit hours required for a graduate, or a post-baccalaureate degree are earned through instruction offered by the institution awarding the degree. Due to the unique structure of the Master’s, the Education Specialist, and the Doctor of Education degrees, transfer credit is considered on a very limited basis and must be approved and accepted by the Chair and/or program director. A maximum of six (6) credit hours may be applied to the MEd and EdS programs. A maximum of nine (9) credit hours may be applied to the EdD degree.

Correspondence Study/Prior Learning Credit
No graduate credit is accepted by LMU for work completed by correspondence or through any program awarding credit for prior non-college sponsored learning.

Graduate Credit for Undergraduate Seniors
The LMU candidate who has not completed all requirements for the baccalaureate degree may be eligible for master-level graduate study as an undergraduate senior. The candidate must have an overall GPA of at least 3.0 and must be within 15 credit hours of completing the total credit hours required for the baccalaureate degree. Course credit used to meet baccalaureate degree requirements may not be used to meet graduate degree requirements. To enroll for graduate courses under this provision, a candidate must adhere to the regular admission procedures and secure the written permission of the Dean of the School of Education.

Candidate Work and Class Attendance
Candidates are expected to attend, participate, and actively engage in classes as scheduled and meet all requirements of the course as outlined in the course syllabus in order to receive a passing grade. All course examinations must be completed. Final examinations are administered the last week of the term.

Grading System
A candidate receives a grade for most registered coursework (except Audit). Grades are indicated by letters and assigned quality points as shown below. Credit toward a degree program will be granted only for courses in which a grade of “C” or better is earned. See individual program requirements concerning satisfactory progress.
A grade of B- is the minimum grade a candidate can receive to successfully pass an LMU doctoral course. Incompletes are not assigned in the LMU EdD program.



Per Semester Hour


(Quality of work exceptional)



(Quality of work above course expectation)



Very Good
(Quality of work better than satisfactory)



(Quality of work satisfactory)



(Quality of work exceeds minimum requirements)



Quality of work better than minimum



Minimum passing grade
(Unsatisfactory graduate-level work)






Incomplete; work must be completed within the first six weeks of the next semester; otherwise, the grade automatically becomes an “F” unless an extension is granted by the Dean of the School of Education



In Progress is only given in clinical coursework to complete required hours for licensure



No Credit. No credit assigned for the course. Not computed in the GPA









Pass; carries credit but no quality points


Some graduate courses are graded P-Pass/F-Fail and are identified under “Course Descriptions.”
The student’s Grade Point Average (GPA) is determined by the total number of letter-graded (A-F) semester credit hours attempted (not the number of semester credit hours passed).

Probation Status
Master of Education (Initial Teacher Licensure and Special Education)
Candidates must earn a “B” or higher in all core courses as defined by the student handbook. If students do not maintain a “B” or higher, the student may be suspended from the program and/or a developmental plan may be required. 
Master of Education (Professional Counseling)
Probation constitutes a warning of insufficient progress. In order to remain in good academic standing, the graduate student must earn grades of “B-“ or better for all coursework. A grade of “C” or lower is considered unsatisfactory graduate level work and constitutes probationary status in the Counseling Program. A second grade of “C” or lower will result in dismissal from the Counseling Program. 
Master of Education (IP, EL, IL) and Educational Specialist Programs.

Probation constitutes a warning of insufficient progress. In order to remain in good academic standing, the graduate candidate must maintain a GPA of 3.0 (B). The GPA considered for academic progress is the GPA of the current program. The GPA from previous degrees at LMU may not be averaged into the current GPA. Any candidate whose cumulative GPA falls below a 3.0 in a given semester is placed on probation the following semester and an improvement plan is developed by a committee consisting of a faculty member from the program, program director, and the candidate. A candidate whose cumulative GPA falls below a 3.0 (B) for two successive terms must have permission from the program director to continue in the program. If denied the candidate may appeal to the Assistant Dean of the School of Education to continue in the program. Any MEd (IP, EL, IL) or EdS (CI, EL, IL, PCEL) candidate who receives a grade of “F” in a course will be suspended from the program for the remainder of that academic year.
Doctor of Education Program.
A grade of “B-” is the minimum grade a candidate can receive to successfully pass a course in the Doctoral Program. If a candidate receives a “C+” in a class, the Doctoral Program Director places that candidate on academic probation. To remove the probationary status, the candidate must retake the class and earn at least a “B-” after which they can continue taking the prescribed subsequent courses. If a candidate receives a “C+” in either a quantitative or qualitative research course, the candidate will not be allowed to take the comprehensive exam and may not enroll in dissertation hours until they have repeated the course and has earned at least a grade of “B” for that course. After successfully completing the research courses, each doctoral candidate must pass a comprehensive exam before beginning work on their dissertation. Any candidate who receives either a second “C+” or a single grade lower than a “C+” in any course will be administratively withdrawn from the doctoral program. For EDLC 899 Independent Dissertation Research hours, adequate progress will be marked by a grade of A. Inadequate progress at the end of the term will be marked by a grade of B-; after the first term in which a candidate is marked with a B- in EDLC-899, the candidate must, in addition to completing the 899 Planning form, write a memorandum articulating in detail their understanding of what each goal entails, and what they expect to submit to meet each goal. A second term of inadequate progress shall be marked by C and result in a candidate’s administrative withdrawal from the program. No other grades shall be used for EDLC- 899/Independent Dissertation Research coursework.

Appeals Procedure for Probation, Suspension, or Dismissal
A candidate who is placed on probation, suspended, or dismissed from any program and feels that the probation, suspension, or dismissal is unfair has a right to appeal. The candidate who wishes to appeal a probation, suspension, or dismissal has 10 days from the postmark on the letter of notice to present the appeal in writing to the Program Director, who will review the appeal. At that time, the Program Director can deny or grant the appeal; if the appeal is denied, the candidate may request in writing, within five days from receipt of the letter, an appeal of the Assistant Dean. The Assistant Dean will forward this letter of appeal to the Chair of the Appeals and Grievance Committee for the School of Education, who will set up an appeal hearing. The Chair of the Appeals and Grievance Committee and the candidate must inform each other of all attendees who will be at the appeal hearing. Should the decision of the Appeals and Grievance Committee be unsatisfactory to the candidate, a meeting with the Chair of the Appeals and Grievance Committee may be requested. The candidate may continue this appeal to the Dean of the School of Education for a decision. The candidate may continue this appeal to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. The decision of the Vice President for Academic Affairs is final.

Complaint and Grievance Procedure

There is a distinct difference between a grievance and a complaint. Generally, a complaint addresses a process and its interpretation. A grievance is an action or inaction that impacts a student or class only by applying a specific policy or procedure.

A grievance is defined as an alleged violation of a specific policy or procedure in the catalog or student program handbook.

A complaint is defined as a disagreement of a decision or action made by the faculty or staff.

Adhere to the prescribed process for each grievance and complaint, as outlined in the program handbook for each program of the Carter & Moyers School of Education. Failure to do so can render the complaint moot with prejudice, underscoring the importance of following the correct procedures.

The complaint process is summarized with the following steps. The complainant presents the complaint to the alleged violating faculty/staff member, who documents the complaint and renders a decision. If the complainant is unsatisfied, the next step is to appear with the program director. If the complaint is not resolved, the final step is to be heard by the assistant dean, whose final decision ensures a fair and just resolution.

The grievance process is summarized with the following steps. The grievant shall specify in writing the page and language that has allegedly been violated, along with a proposed resolution to the faculty/staff member. If the grievance is not resolved at this level, both parties shall bring forth documentation of the meetings with the program director. If the grievant is not satisfied with the program director's decision, it shall be forwarded to the assistant dean for hearing. If the grievance is not resolved, the grievant may proceed to the Grievance Committee of the Carter & Moyers School of Education. If the grievant is still not satisfied, then the next hearing step is the Dean of the Carter & Moyers School of Education. The final appeal shall be to the Vice President of Academic Affairs, whose decision is final.

Repeating Graduate Education Courses
Graduate education candidates can repeat courses only once. Both attempts will remain a part of the permanent academic record. Only the most recent grade will be used in computing the cumulative GPA.

Graduate Education Candidate Course Load
The maximum course load for an MEd or EdS candidate is 12 credit hours as defined by the candidate’s program of study. For financial aid purposes, the federal government considers nine (9) semester hours as a full-time course load for graduate candidates.

For financial aid purposes, full-time EdD candidates are those who enroll in at least six (6) credit hours per term (Summer, Fall, and Spring).  Candidates must maintain continuous enrollment in the program as a full-time candidate until they complete all graduation requirements. Failure to do so shall result in administrative withdrawal.

Course load requirements for international candidates differ from those in place for domestic candidates. Accordingly, international candidates, working in tandem with system-level personnel, must ensure their program of studies adheres to the requirements that are in place upon their admission to the program.

New Master of Education (MEd) and Educational Specialist (EdS) candidates are required to attend a registration event. The registration session provides candidates with critical information for progressing through each degree program. The information includes admission, program, and exit requirements. Program faculty are accessible throughout the program for academic advisement. MEd and EdS IL candidates will be assigned a practicum mentor.

New Doctor of Education students are required to attend an orientation session designed to provide information on policies, technologies, and focuses for the program. All Doctor of Education students are assigned to the program director for guidance and advising until successful passing of comprehensive exams, at which time the Doctor of Education candidate will be assigned a chair who will lead and advise the remaining time in the program.

Program of Study
The program of study consists of a combination of theoretical study and practical experiences that best prepare the candidate for the selected area of interest.
Although the minimum number of credit hours required for graduation is determined in accordance with the program as listed in the Graduate Education Catalog, it should not be construed as indicating a maximum number of credit hours for any particular candidate.

Graduation Requirements
No candidate will be allowed to participate in commencement exercises until he or she has met all degree requirements. The following requirements must be met before earning the degree:

  • completion of the credit hours specified in the approved program of study;
  • a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 (B);
  • payment of all fees;
  • compliance with Institutional Research Board policies before and while conducting research that involves the collection of data on human subjects.

The following degree-specific requirements also apply:

  • a passing score, as defined by the State of Tennessee, on edTPA© (MEd Teacher Licensure) for elementary, special education and non-job embedded.
  • a passing score on the School Leadership Licensure Assessment (SLLA) (Leadership Licensure);
  • a passing score on the comprehensive examination (MEd and EdD degrees). Successful completion of a dissertation approved by chair and all committee members (EdD)

Graduate candidates must file an Intent to Graduate form and submit graduation fees to the program office by the dates set by the Registrar for each semester.

Doctor of Education Graduation Policy.
No candidate may participate in commencement or graduation or receive approval for program completion until they have met all degree requirements, including the submission of the dissertation signature page and the approved dissertation ready for upload to ProQuest. The Director will send the final copy of the dissertation with the dissertation signature page to the Graduate Office for the Dean’s signature. After the Dean completes the signature page, the candidate’s name will be placed on an approved graduation list. The Dean’s office will transmit the approved graduation list to the University Registrar. Candidates who cannot meet the deadlines set by the School of Education and the Registrar will continue to work on their dissertation until an acceptable version is approved (within time limit set forth in Time Restrictions/Limitations). For additional EdD Graduation Policy information and deadlines, see EdD section of catalog.

Second master's degree requirements
A maximum of 12 semester credit hours of graduate credit earned from the first master’s degree maybe applied toward the second degree provided that the courses are appropriate for the second master’s degree as determined by the Chair of Graduate Education and/or the Dean of the School of Education. The credit must have been earned within the last five years.

Financial Aid*

Master of Education Program.
Candidates may attempt a maximum of 50 credit hours in pursuit of their 33-credit hour MEd Instructional Practice, Instructional Leadership, or Educational Leadership degrees. In the MEd Clinical Mental Health Counseling and MEd School Counseling programs, candidates may attempt a maximum of 90-credit hours in pursuit of their 60-credit hours program. In the MEd Teacher Licensure degree program, candidates may attempt a maximum of 63-credit hours in pursuit of the 42-credit hour degree program.

Educational Specialist Program.
In the EdS program, candidates may attempt a maximum of 45-credit hours in pursuit of their 30-credit hour degree program. Any candidate who attempts hours beyond this mark is ineligible for financial aid.

Doctor of Education Program. 
EdD candidates who are pursuing a 36-hour degree may attempt up to 60 hours in that effort. EdD candidates who are pursuing a 48-hour degree may attempt up to 72-hours in that effort. EdD candidates who are pursuing a 63-hour degree may attempt up to 95 hours. Candidates must complete their EdD within a specified time limit from their initial acceptance into the program. Candidates using financial aid services must consult that office to determine financial aid eligibility for hours completed above the degree requirements.

  • 36-Hour Program Candidates: five years from the time of initial enrollment
  • 48-Hour Program Candidates: six years from the time of initial enrollment
  • 63-Hour Program Candidates: seven years from the time of initial enrollment.

*Please read financial aid information found at the beginning of catalog. 

International candidates need to work with the appropriate system-level resources to ensure they are in compliance with requirements related to financial assistance.

General Admission Requirements

Categories of Admission: Masters and Educational Specialist Programs 
Admission to the Master of Education and Educational Specialist programs is possible in four categories.

  1. Regular graduate student status. Applicants with credentials indicating adequate preparation and ability to complete the program successfully may receive regular student status. A minimum 2.75 undergraduate GPA is required. Applicants who do not meet the minimum admission requirements may be admitted provisionally with a further review of academic progress at the completion of the first semester of study.
  2. Non-degree or transient student status. Persons otherwise qualifying for admission to graduate studies but not seeking admission to the degree program are classified as non-degree or transient. Individuals wishing to pursue graduate study at LMU in this classification must submit an Application for Admission.
    Non-degree or transient candidates who decide to change their status to degree seeking must then petition the program director for admission as degree-seeking candidates. The applicant must follow the process outlined for regular graduate student status.
    The non-degree or transient student who wishes to become a regular graduate student may apply up to nine (9) semester credit hours earned while in non-degree or transient status. Course credit transferred from non-degree to degree must have a grade of at least “B” and be relevant to the degree sought and the approved program of study.
  3. Conditional student status. Under special circumstances, a person who does not meet the requirements for admission but who feels strongly that they can do graduate work may be allowed conditional status. In this category, candidates may take no more than six (6) semester hours of graduate coursework from their planned program within the conditional semester and earn no grade less than “B.” A grade less than “B” disqualifies the candidate from full graduate admission.
  4. Auditor status. The candidate wishing to audit courses may enroll by completing an Application for Admission form, registering for the course, and paying the appropriate fees. An “AU” notation will appear on the academic transcript signifying that the course was taken for audit, not for credit. Examinations are not required; grades are not earned; and credit is not awarded for courses audited.

Categories of Admission: Doctor of Education Program

  1. Full Graduate Status. Candidates who have successfully met all program requirements upon admission are accorded full graduate status.

Graduate Education Program Offerings

Graduate Education programs offer courses that lead to the Master of Education (MEd); Educational Specialist (EdS); and Doctor of Education (EdD) degrees. Courses are also offered in special areas of professional educational needs in the LMU service area. Some graduate degree programs can be coordinated to secure both licensure and the graduate degree. However, licensure requirements are determined by the Tennessee State Board of Education and are subject to change at the discretion of that Board. The licensure requirements in effect at the time of program completion are the requirements for licensure recommendation.

The LMU graduate program provides licensure opportunities in the MEd or EdS programs in these areas:

  1. Instructional Leadership (MEd and EdS)
  2. PreK-12 School Counseling (MEd)
  3. Clinical Mental Health Counseling (MEd)
  4. Elementary or Secondary Teacher Licensure (MEd)
  5. Special Education (MEd)

Degree Application Procedures
Application procedures are specific to each degree program. The table below lists the degrees and the respective pages on which the application processes exist for each program.




Master of Education
(EL, IL, IP *) Degree

Two-step process & DAP Interview
in the MEd EL, IL, IP program section of this document

Master of Education
(Teacher Licensure)

One-step process & DAP Interview
in the MEd Teacher Licensure program section of this document

Master of Education (Professional Counseling)

Two-step process & DAP Interview
in the MEd COUN program section of this document

*Instructional Leadership Concentration
(MEd and EdS)

Admissions Portfolio & DAP Interview

Educational Specialist (EL, IP, IL *) Degree

Two-step process & DAP Interview in the EdS program section of this document
Doctor of Education (IL, IP) Three-step process

Master of Education

The MEd degree provides professional preparation in education and other closely related fields, and serves public school personnel, agency counselors, and individuals in educational roles within non-school settings. The candidate may choose an area of emphasis from the following:

  • Professional Counseling (School or Mental Health)
  • Instructional Practice (IP) - Non-licensure program
  • Instructional Leadership (IL) - Leading to Initial Tennessee Leadership Licensure
  • Educational Leadership (EL) - Leadership program not leading to initial Tennessee licensure. This emphasis is suitable for out-of-state candidates, higher education personnel, candidates already holding Tennessee Leadership License, or practitioners seeking improvement with best practices in organizational leadership or innovative practices in strategic school improvement.
  • Elementary Education (Leading to Tennessee K-5 licensure)
  • Secondary (Leading to Tennessee secondary licensure in specific content area fields)
  • Special Education (Leading to Tennessee Special Education Interventionist K-8; Interventionist 6-12; or Comprehensive K-12 licensure)

Educational Specialist

The EdS degree provides professional preparation in education and other closely related fields and serves public school personnel, agency counselors, and individuals in educational roles within non-school settings. The candidate may choose an area of emphasis from the following:

  • Instructional Practice (IP) - Not-licensure.
  • Instructional Leadership (IL) - Leading to Initial Tennessee Leadership licensure.
  • Educational Leadership (EL) - Leadership program not leading to initial Tennessee licensure.

Doctor of Education

The program is designed to develop exemplary educational leaders in K-12, higher education, and private industry through rigorous academic training that challenges practitioners to make a positive impact on the educational landscape and through deep research design instruction to prepare researchers in the field of education. The candidate may choose an area of emphasis from the following:

  • Instructional Leadership (IL)
  • Instructional Practice (IP)

Admission to Graduate Education Studies

The candidate must submit:

  1. An application for graduate studies, with the required $50 application fee and

  2. An official transcript of all previous undergraduate coursework from accredited institutions for the MEd and MEd and/or EdS level official transcript for the EdS and EdD.

Pursuant to Tennessee Code Title 49-5-5610, all students wishing to enter approved teacher training programs or any candidate preparing for PreK-12 settings shall be required to supply a fingerprint sample and submit to criminal history records check to be conducted by the TBI and the FBI.

For counseling concentrations, the following is also required for admission to graduate education studies: three recommendation forms, a personal interview, and a personal statement.

The program director approves admission to the program and assigns or serves as advisor/mentor.

Admission to Degree Candidacy

After successfully completing the first semester the candidate must apply for degree candidacy. Admission is based on an evaluation of all application materials submitted. Criteria used are employment experience, professional potential, previous academic work, recommendations, and test scores. Candidates submit the following:

  1. An Application for Degree Candidacy for the MEd degree.

    Note: Instructional Leadership Licensure candidates submit an admission portfolio 

  2. Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) is required of all international candidates, unless they are graduates of an American university or they originate from a country whose primary language is English. The following are the minimum required scores: 550 (paper test); 79 (Internet test); 213 (computer-based test);
  3. Appropriate recommendation forms from professionals in the field who are familiar with the candidate’s work and ability and can, therefore, evaluate their potential for success in the graduate program; and
  4. An approved Program of Study.

Upon completion of these requirements, the candidate’s credentials will be presented to the program director for consideration for admission to degree candidacy. A transfer applicant must follow the same procedure for admission and must be in good standing with the previous institution.

Candidates applying for readmission must apply in writing to the School of Education office. The file will then be reviewed and submitted to the program director for appropriate action.

Master of Education Comprehensive Examination
A comprehensive examination is required at the end of the MEd programs. The MEd examination is comprised of questions and/or case studies encompassing the program of study and one question addressing the candidate’s philosophy of education for Instructional Practice, Educational Leadership or Teacher Licensure candidates. The SLLA is required for Instructional Leadership (IL) concentrations in lieu of the comprehensive examination. The comprehensive examination must be scheduled the last semester of required coursework for the MEd degree to fulfill all requirements for the degree. Candidates are not allowed to sit for the exam prior to the last semester of required coursework. Teacher Licensure master’s degree candidates may not sit for the comprehensive examination if PRAXIS exam(s), edTPA portfolio, and all coursework requirements are not successfully completed. The degree will be conferred upon successful completion of all required coursework and comprehensive exam. Candidates who do not pass the final evaluation may retake the comprehensive examination the following semester. Candidates who are not successful on the second attempt will be required to take additional coursework as prescribed by the Dean of the School of Education before retaking the exam.

Professional Counseling Comprehensive Examination
Candidates must pass a comprehensive examination pertaining to coursework take in the Professional Counseling program. Students may sit for their comprehensive examination during their first semester of internship. It may not be taken more than twice.

Candidates take the Counselor Preparation Comprehensive Exam (CPCE) for their comprehensive examination. The CPCE is a multiple-choice exam that contains 160 items. Students pay a fee determined by CPCE to take the exam. Currently the fee is $150. Information about registering for the CPCE in the Spring or Fall. Students who do not obtain a passing score on the CPCE will be required to take a written exam with questions specific to the area they scored the lowest. This could delay graduation by a semester, so it is recommended that students schedule their tests early in the semester. For more information about the CPCE visit Registration Information is found at

Doctor of Education Comprehensive Examination

The EdD comprehensive exam consists of a core and concentration prompt. The core prompt requires use of quantitative or Qualitative methodology to construct a study. The concentration prompt focuses on Instructional Leadership or Instructional Practices in a practical application. The EdD comprehensive exam is taken after the third semester of coursework for 36-hour students. 48- and 63-hours students have the option to take their comprehensive exams after the third or forth semester of coursework, in consultation with the program director.

Major Areas of Study

In addition to meeting the specific major area requirements, each degree-seeking graduate candidate must include Foundations of American Education (EDUC 501) and Educational Research and Statistics (EDUC 511) in his/her program.
Programs of study which reflect state endorsement requirements are available from the Graduate Office. Counseling degree candidates substitute Foundations of School Counseling (COUN 508) or Foundations of Mental Health Counseling (COUN 509) for the EDUC 501 requirement.