Ed.D. Curriculum, Instruction


EDCI-862 : Research Trends in Curric/Instruc

Credits 3

In this course, candidates will be able to use the knowledge and methods learned in EDEC 751, EDEC 752, and EDEC 755 to examine the research methods and trends related to Curriculum and Instruction. Candidates will be able to engage with literature to learn more about research trends, methods, and issues related to curriculum and instruction.

EDCI-869 : Curriculm Ldrshp/Distrct Level

Credits 3

Curriculum leadership includes at least six functions: staff selection and recruitment; principal selection; supervision and evaluation; establishing clear instructional and curricular goals; monitoring learning and curricular improvement activities; and financial planning for instruction. Students will conduct an action research project, experience case studies, access the latest research on learning assessment, and learn about the latest trends in professional development.

EDCI-872 : Trends and Issues in Educational Technology & Literacy

Credits 3

This course will explore the evolution of educational technology and conduct a researched exploration into the related needs of today's classroom teachers. This will result in a repository of resources for educating and assisting teachers in the technology/literacy arena. Students will design and develop digital-age learning activities and assessments, engage in professional growth and leadership, and understand avenues in which these tools can be used in the promotion of literacy throughout the curriculum.

EDCI-873 : Perspctv/Stratgy in Tch/Learn

Credits 3

The symbiotic relationship between teaching and learning will be examined in the framework of K-12 schooling. Various research-based strategies will be discussed and modeled. Theories regarding the nature of these strategies will be discussed, as well as debates surrounding their use in the public school system.

EDCI-874 : Curricula for Literacy

Credits 3

This course examines the planning, philosophy, standards, content, implementation, and evaluation of established curricular options. Relevant practices and their relationship to literacy will be critiqued. Current federal and state mandates will be discussed, as well as the testing associated with them.

EDCI-875 : Poverty/Gender/Cultr Backgrnd

Credits 3

This course will involve an overview of various inequities in our society which affect public education. Concepts and discourse around discrimination and inequity in the school system will be examined, as well as best practice and research-based methodology in combating it.

EDCI-877 : Teacher Leadership

Credits 3

This course involves the examination of methods whereby conditions for change may be created, planned for, implemented, and sustained. Theories of leadership will also be studied for their relative effectiveness.

EDCI-899 : Independnt Dissertation Resrch

This is an independent study course for doctoral students who are actively engagedin collecting data and writing their dissertations. Faculty members provide guidance to candidates during this process.