EdD Human Resource Developmnt


EDHR-881 : HRD: Th, Found, & Principles

Credits 3

This course examines the legal issues associated with laws that impact higher education. Candidates will learn how executive orders, judicial rulings, and legislative mandates have served to shape the mission and function of higher education. Candidates will also survey basic elements of governance structures in higher education as they relate to the law of higher education. The course will include an examination of how master plans, legislative influence, local control, and structure differ by state. The course also examines legal problems and issues as they affect candidates, faculty members, and administrators in American colleges and universities. Distinctions in the legal environments of public, private, and church-related institutions are made. Emphasis is placed on constitutional issues, contract law, federal and state regulation, liability, faculty and staff employment and community relationships.

EDHR-882 : Personnel & Human Res Mgmt

Credits 3

This course examines recruitment, selection, development, retention, motivating, removing and evaluating personnel for organizations in private and public sectors. This course explores employee relations, collective bargaining, as well as the major laws and regulations that govern employment (e.g., OSHA, Department of Labor; Department of Health and Human Services; IRS; and others).

EDHR-883 : Legal & Eth Environ of Hr Mgmt

Credits 3

Ethics is the study of what should be and what ought to be, rather than what is. In this course, ethical dilemmas encountered by candidates in their leadership roles are explored using case-study research methodologies, and evaluated in terms of value claims, propositions, and beliefs of contemporary philosophical and theological perspectives. Personal ethics will be studied in terms of integrity in pursuing one's own sense of destiny and calling within various leadership roles assumed. As a close relationship exists between the study of ethics and law, candidates will also examine legal problems and issues as they affect candidates, faculty members, and administrators in American colleges and universities. Distinctions in the legal environments of public, private and church-related institutions will 22 be made. Emphasis will be placed on constitutional issues, contract law, diversity, federal and state regulation, liability, faculty and staff employment, and community relationships. Candidates will become familiar with software applications that are commonly used in the area of human resource management.

EDHR-884 : Princ & Theor of Train & Devel

Credits 3

Ethics is the study of what should be and what ought to be, rather than what is. In this course, ethical dilemmas encountered by candidates in their leadership roles are explored using case-study research methodologies, and evaluated in terms of value claims, propositions, and beliefs of contemporary philosophical and theological perspectives. Personal ethics will be studied in terms of integrity in pursuing one's own sense of destiny and calling within various leadership roles assumed. As a close relationship exists between the study of ethics and law, candidates will also examine legal problems and issues as they affect candidates, faculty members, and administrators in American colleges and universities. Distinctions in the legal environments of public, private and church-related institutions will 22 be made. Emphasis will be placed on constitutional issues, contract law, diversity, federal and state regulation, liability, faculty and staff employment, and community relationships. Candidates will become familiar with software applications that are commonly used in the area of human resource management.

EDHR-885 : HR Recruitment and Selection

Credits 3

This course explores the methods, tools, and techniques employed in facilitating adult learning. Emphasis is on the process and structure of delivering effective group and individual training activities in programs such as workshops, seminars, courses, and project meetings. The knowledge, skills, and abilities needed for the professional roles of an instructional specialist such as a facilitator, trainer or teacher of adults is emphasized throughout this course. This course examines how individual and group psychologies are shaped by and impact workplace settings. Workplace dynamics in educational and organizational settings will be discussed with emphasis on relational dynamics, organizational culture and climate, self-esteem and confidence, internal and external locus of control, and bureaucracy. Candidates will become familiar with software applications that are commonly used in training and development environments.

EDHR-886 : Prog & Orgran Outcomes Eval

Credits 3

This course examines philosophy and practices relevant to adult program planning, implementation and evaluation. Contemporary research on adult planning will be examined. Candidates will discuss how this research can be used in the construction and measurement of adult programming. Candidates will engage in activities which are designed for candidates to connect research and theory to practice. The course will introduce the skills and knowledge of the field of program evaluation and their application to educational programs. Candidates will come to understand the issues and problems that threaten validity and reliability in program evaluations. Candidates will learn to be thoughtful consumers of evaluations as well as capable of producing their own evaluation designs. While theory guides the discussion of issues, emphasis is placed on application to good practice.