Educational Specialist (EdS)

The Educational Specialist program offers one year, three semester, 30-semester hour program (9- 9-12) designed to extend and expand the candidate’s level of professional competence beyond that attained through the master’s level program, to bring the candidate up to date on matters relevant to the field of specialization, to enable the candidate to read and understand research in the field of specialization, to apply relevant research findings to professional activities, to stimulate the candidate to assume a leadership role in the specialty, and to prepare the candidate in that role.

Programs are available with the following concentrations:

  • Instructional Practice (Non-licensure)
  • Instructional Leadership (Licensure)
  • Educational Leadership (Non-licensure)

Degree Application Procedures

Admission for the EdS degree is a two-step process.

Admission to Advanced Graduate Studies
The candidate must submit:

  1. the Application for Advanced Graduate Studies, with the required $50 application fee; and
  2. one (1) official transcript of master’s degree coursework from an accredited institution. (if student is asking for transfer credit of post master’s degree coursework, one (1) official transcript of that coursework must be provided from an accredited institution as well).
  3. TBI-L1 Fingerprint Background Check 

The program directors for the School of Education approves admission to Advanced Graduate Studies. 

Admission to Degree Candidacy
Before the completion of three courses (9 semester hours), a degree-seeking candidate must apply for degree candidacy.
The candidate must submit:

  1. Application for Degree Candidacy for the Educational Specialist degree; and
  2. LMU Director Approved Program of Study.
  3. Acknowledgement of Receipt of Guidelines

Upon completion of these requirements, the candidate’s credentials will be presented to the Program Director for consideration for admission to degree candidacy. LMU reserves the right to deny admission due to immoral conduct.

Attendance Policy for Hybrid Cohorts
Cooperative and group learning is the essence of the EdS program. When class absences occur, candidates can make up for the knowledge and skills missed from the instructor, but they are not able to make up for the knowledge and skills their participation in class would have provided to their fellow candidates’ learning. Therefore, even with successful completion of make-up assignments, class absences, after the first, will cause a reduction in the final course grade. Two (2) absences will result in a reduction of one letter grade from whatever grade would have been earned. Three absences will result in a grade of “C” or lower. More than three absences will result in the grade of “F” for the course.

Degree Requirements
The basic requirement for an EdS degree is a planned and approved program of coursework and field experiences for which credit is awarded beyond the master’s degree. The candidate and the program faculty will discuss and outline the work to be completed. Candidates must take coursework and prove competence in one of the curricula offered. The required hours of credit indicated in each area of study and in the totals are the minimum requirements. Programs of Study include acceptable graduate credit earned beyond the master’s degree. Program faculty are charged with the evaluation of candidate competence and may prescribe work beyond those requirements.

All EdS candidates are required to complete the Graduating Student Survey and the EdS Exit Survey. 

Concentration Areas
Concentrations in Instructional Leadership (IL) leading to Initial Tennessee Leadership Licensure, Educational Leadership (EL), a non-licensure leadership program not leading to initial Tennessee Leadership Licensure, and Instructional Practice (IP), not leading to Tennessee licensure, constitute the choices of the EdS program. The emphasis areas are designed primarily for practitioners in the public schools. Each concentration is a 30-semester hour program.

Educational Specialist Online Cohort
The EdS Online Cohort Program is a 30-semester hour program designed to extend and expand the candidate’s level of professional competence beyond that attained at the master’s level, to bring the candidate up to date on advanced level information relevant to the field of specialization, to stimulate the candidate to read and understand research in the field of specialization, and to prepare the candidate for leadership roles. The online cohort is 100% online with all discussions, assignments, and study delivered in an online format.

Attendance Policy for Online Cohort
Candidates are expected to attend, participate, and actively engage in classes as scheduled and meet all requirements of the course as outlined in the course syllabus in order to receive a passing grade. If the student decides to miss class, he/she are still responsible for ALL assignments at the original due date, including a make-up assignment for missing the class discussion portion, as determined by the instructor. Failure to complete any assignments will result in an additionally lowered grade as noted in the grading policy section. In some cases, absences could be approved and are only approved at the discretion of the instructor.

The Instructional Leadership (IL) Program Leading to Initial Tennessee Leadership Licensure

The program is designed to license school administrators based on Tennessee State Board policy and standards. To be eligible for the program, a candidate must complete the EdS Leadership Licensure Pre-Admissions Packet and Admission Portfolio.

Applicants can obtain a copy of the packet from the Graduate Office, or the Admissions Packet can be found on the Graduate Education website at under Handbooks & Forms.
The following documents must be attached to the 

EdS Leadership Licensure Pre-Admissions Packet:

  • a valid Tennessee Teacher License;
  • evidence of two years successful educational experience;
  • a completed Recommendation for Consideration by a practicing TN administrator; and
  • completed application process.
  • TBI-L1 Fingerprint Background Check

Upon receipt of the completed EdS Leadership Licensure Pre-Admissions Packet, applicants will receive the IL Licensure Admission Portfolio Requirements. The IL Licensure Admission Portfolio will then be evaluated by the IL faculty, and those accepted into the program will be invited for an interview.

Admission Appeals Process for the EdS IL Leadership:

In the EdS Instructional Leadership License program, the requirements are set by the TDOE. All applicable candidates applying for the IL License have or will have received a master’s degree prior to applying. Applicants who do not meet all admission requirements may place an appeal on any one of three or a combination of these three:

  1. Have at least two years of qualifying education experience.
  2. Demonstrate effectiveness as an educator in the two most recent state-approved evaluation models.
  3. Be recommended by the LEA and participate in a committee led interview.

Applicants may appeal each or all of these requirements by the following:

  1. Submit a letter from the district director or superintendent verifying the candidate has been or will be offered an administrative position in the system on a needed basis.
  2. Same as #1, with verification that the system doesn’t use a state model of evaluation and provide its evaluation model or scores. Additionally, this is appealable if in the district’s letter it states the applicant has not been evaluated during his/her period of employment.
  3. The recommendation comes directly from the Director/Superintendent again stating the applicant has been or will be placed in an administrative position on an as needed basis.

Candidates who do not meet the three appealable requirements for admission into the Instructional Leadership Licensure program may file an appeal letter. In this letter the applicant must state a reason for the appeal with supporting statements of how he/she can exempt or meet the appealable requirements will be met.

Upon receipt of the applicant’s letter of appeal, the EdS IL Program Director will consult with the EdS Faculty to determine the status of the application. If the initial letter is accepted, the candidate will be instructed to request that the Director/Superintendent submit a letter asking to have exemptions to any or all of the three appealable requirements. In this letter the Superintendent must state the reasons and verify the applicant will be hired by the district. Upon the receipt of the Superintendent’s letter of appeal another review will be done by the EdS IL Program Director and other faculty. If the appeal is successful, the applicant is admitted with full academic credentials.

When the appeal is granted based on the TDOE requirements being appealed the applicant receives full enrollment status with conditions or probationary steps assigned.
An applicant could be refused admission based on the Director’s/Superintendent’s letter not verifying the candidate will be placed in an administrative position. Applicants who appeal will receive a letter from the EdS Program Director sent by USPS mail with a follow-up email immediately following the decision.

All communication with the applicant, including emails, phone logs, personal meetings, and USPS are stored in Laisure fiche, LMU’s storage and retrieval program. When they are enrolled in the IL program they are as are all other IL candidates assigned a faculty mentor who monitors, mentors, tracks and provides meaningful feedback on each candidates’ progress throughout the entire 30-hour program.

Degrees and Certificates


EDUC-609: Literacy for Instructional Leaders

Credits 3

This course provides a foundational understanding of content and pedagogical knowledge of literacy instruction, the progression of literacy development, and the cultivation of a literacy-rich learning environment that is responsive to all learners. Emphasis is given to foundational and disciplinary literacy and the use of evidence-based practices and scaffolds and supports matched to individual students’ strengths and needs while maintaining grade-appropriate rigor and alignment to Tennessee Academic Standards.

EDUC-611: Clinical Practice for Instructional Leaders

Credits 3

This course will increase candidates' literacy awareness of how literacy issues impact schools and students. Candidates will become familiar with research-based best practices and strategies for the classroom. Content and pedagogy are woven around clinical experiences, in course work, in laboratory-based experiences, and in school-embedded practice.

EDUC-665: Action Research

Credits 3

This course explores the Action Research Model and the vital role of educational literature in action research, and culminates in a scholarly team project designed to improve educational practice and empower educators; specifically, topics around literacy achievement and improvement for diverse learners are discussed. Prerequisites: EDUC 511 or an approved education research course. 

EDUC-685: Capstone Electronic Portfolio

Credits 3

EdS Educational Leadership (EL) and Instructional Practice (IP) candidates will complete the electronic portfolio including their final philosophy of education, specific assignments from coursework and other artifacts as required by the Tennessee Instructional Leadership Standards (TILS) and the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). Pass/Fail grade

IL-611: Assessment for School Improvement

Credits 3

This course focuses on developing a culture and climate of school improvement. Emphasis will be placed on setting a strategic direction for school improvement, organizational alignment, data collection, and analysis. Ed.S. core requirement.

IL-612: Clinical Practice for Assessment & School Improvement

Credits 3

This course is the companion practicum for IL 611, Assessment for School Improvement, which provides field experience in educational settings with an emphasis on promoting the success of all students by establishing a positive school culture, providing an effective instructional program, applying research-based best practices for student learning, utilizing assessment data, and designing comprehensive professional growth for staff. Experience collecting, analyzing, and utilizing data to inform practice, instruction, and assessment is stressed. 

IL-651: Federal Educational Law and Ethics

Credits 3

This course provides Educational Specialist candidates a foundation in the federal legal and ethical issues in education. A survey of case laws dealing with the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of teachers, administrators, and counselors. Topics include law of education, ethics, and legal decision making in education; children with disabilities (IDEA) and 504; the federal court system; Title IX; and law, ethics, and the educational leadership connection. 

IL-652: Leadership for Educational Programs

Credits 3

This course focuses on leadership, the change process, and strengthening and maintaining interpersonal relationships to provide a foundation for improvement in educational programs. 

IL-653: Clinical Practice for Instructional Leadership

Credits 3

This course is the companion practicum for IL 652, Leadership for Educational Programs, which focuses on leadership, with an emphasis on leading literacy efforts, managing the change process, and strengthening and maintaining interpersonal relationships to provide the foundation for improvement in teaching and learning in diverse educational settings. The aim of the course is to move from theory to practice by providing emerging educational leaders with craft knowledge, especially in the areas of curriculum, teaching, and learning, while developing a professional vision, mission, and philosophy of school leadership.

IL-661: Tennessee Finance and Human Resources

Credits 3

This course provides Education Specialist candidates a foundation in the standard financial operating procedures and routines in educational settings in Tennessee. Candidates also develop an understanding of resource management. Topics include, but not limited to, evaluating staff, and liability in the local district, school, and classroom pertinent to students, faculty and staff.

IL-686: Capstone Portfolio

Credits 3

Instructional Leadership (IL) licensure candidates will complete the electronic portfolio including their final philosophy of education, specific assignments from coursework, and other artifacts as required by the Tennessee Instructional Leadership Standards (TILS) and the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). Documentation of the 100 Hour Practicum is also a requirement for the completed portfolio.  Pass/Fail grade

IL-689: SLLA

Credits 0

Initial Instructional Leadership Licensure candidates are required to take and pass the SLLA in accordance with Tennessee state licensure requirements. A passing score is required for licensure and graduation. Prerequisite: Admission to the Instructional Leadership Licensure Program

IP-610: Instructional Strategies for Diverse Learners

Credits 3

This course explores researched-based strategies to increase student achievement in diverse student populations. Topics include students in poverty, diverse cultural and social groups, English language learners and special needs learners.

IP-661: Instructional Design & Initiatives

Credits 3

This course takes an in-depth look at current instructional topics with emphasis on instructional design and initiatives. Candidates will evaluate and construct assignments, assessments, and activities aligned to current instructional standards. Emphasis will be placed on research-based instructional approaches and 21st century high-impact practices.