Instructional Ldrshp-EDIL


EDIL-701 : Ldrshp: Hist & Contemp Persptv

Credits 3

This course explores historical and contemporary leadership theories. Students examine social, political and cultural contexts as contributing factors in developing leadership perspective. Particular emphasis is directed toward contemporary culture and its influence on evolving leadership views. Transformational and servant leadership perspectives are emphasized as appropriate approaches for leading contemporary organizations. Students examine underlying principles of leadership including values, beliefs about human nature, and philosophy. The focus is on personal mastery as students investigate the philosophical nature of leadership theory, explore various leadership perspectives, and construct their personal leadership plans.

EDIL-860 : Group Methods/Processes

Credits 3

This course focuses on communication skills for upper level education leaders. Students will explore group dynamics, communication within groups, controversy and creativity, managing conflict, and team development. Students will apply course concepts through self-analysis, team work, case studies, action research projects, and simulations. Other course concepts will include group goals, social interdependence and trust, power, decision making, and diversity.

EDIL-861 : Educational Finance

Credits 3

This course traces the historical development of education funding models from the 19th to the 21st century. Candidates will examine how litigation on school funding has spawned legislation shaping federal, state, and local funding models. The interdependency between funding models at these levels (e.g., federal, state, local) will also be examined. The course will examine landmark school funding legislation including: Stuart v. Kalamazoo (1874); Zimmerman v. Asheville Board of School Commissioners (1927); Brown v. Board of Education (1954); San Antonio Independent School District v. Rodriguez (1973); Serrano v. Priest (1977); and Abbott v. Burke (1985).

EDIL-862 : Research Trends in Instructional Leadership

Credits 3

In this course, candidates will be able use the knowledge and methods learned in EDEC 751 Quantitative Research, EDEC 752 Qualitative Research, and EDEC 755 Dissertation Research and Design to examine the research methods and trends related to Instructional Leadership. Candidates will be able to engage with literature to learn more about research methods, trends, and issues related to instructional and educational leadership.

EDIL-866 : Ethical Leadership and Decision Making

Credits 3

The moral and ethical dimensions of leadership are the focus of this course. Emotional intelligence is viewed as a foundation for leadership excellence. Concerns of social justice including equity, diversity, and democracy in the work place are considered. Lincoln's leadership during times of national crisis serves as an entry point for considering what is just, fair, and appropriate for all people. Leaders from various professional organizations present case studies and lead discussions relative to the ethical issues faced in diverse organizations. Students apply ethical principles to their own leadership platforms, values, and standards of ethical conduct

EDIL-867 : Political Structure/Governance

Credits 3

This course examines power and authority and the internal and external structures that govern organizations. Case studies are presented to illustrate the nature of organizational conflict. Students learn methods of conflict resolution and analyze case studies based on conflict resolution models. Examples of conflict from various leadership settings illustrate conflict resolution methods and provide students with meaningful examples of effective leadership in the midst of diverse political perspectives. Students assess their own conflict resolution styles and apply this knowledge.

EDIL-868 : Organizatnl Ldrshp/Governance

Credits 3

This course examines power and authority and the external and internal structures that govern organizations and the interrelationships among individuals and organizations. Students will explore the individual as a member of the group, the behavior of a group, and the organization's performance affected by individual and group behavior. Examples of conflict from various leadership settings illustrate conflict resolution methods and provide students with meaningful examples of effective leadership in the midst of diverse political perspectives.

EDIL-869 : Curriculum Leadership at the District Level

Credits 3

Curriculum leadership includes at least six functions: staff selection and recruitment; principal selection; supervision and evaluation; establishing clear instructional and curricular goals; monitoring learning and curricular improvement activities; and financial planning for instruction. Students will conduct an action research project, experience case studies, access the latest research on learning assessment, and learn about the latest trends in professional development.

EDIL-899 : Independnt Dissertation Resrch

This is an independent study course for doctoral students who are actively engaged in collecting data and writing their dissertations. Faculty members provide guidance to candidates during this process.

EDLC-702 : Ethical, Social, and Diversity Considerations

Credits 3

This course will focus on the concepts of ethics, social justice, diversity, equity, and cultural awareness. Candidates will explore topics related to poverty, diversity, and equity in relation to ethical and social considerations. Candidates consider topics such as what is just, fair, and appropriate for all people. Candidates apply ethical principles to their own leadership platforms, values, and standards of ethical conduct.