Instructional Ldrshp-IL


IL-501: Leadership and School Improvement

Credits 3

This course examines the role of the school leader to establish and share the vision and mission for academic success of all students including a positive school culture, databased decision-making, stakeholder involvement, and parent and community collaboration. Heavy emphasis is given to all aspects of becoming an effective literacy leader.

IL-502: Clinical Practice in Leading Schools and Portfolio

Credits 3

Students will initiate the creation of an electronic portfolio that is a purposeful collection of artifacts designed to provide tangible evidence of the candidate's ability to demonstrate leadership in educational settings, and to reflect on critical competencies and practices that improve instruction and enhance student learning. Additional documentation and activities related to Tennessee Instructional Leadership Standards (TILS) for licensure is required of Tennessee Instructional Leadership Licensure candidates. Mentors will be assigned to facilitate the licensure procession partnership with the school district. Candidates focus on a school’s literacy needs to design and implement a school improvement project. 

IL-541: School Community Partnerships in a Diverse World

Credits 3

This course examines the role of the school adminstrator and instructional leader in responding to and influencing the larger political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context in the classroom, school, and local community. It will also address diverse candidate and student needs to ensure the success of all candidates and their students.

IL-561: School Law and Ethics

Credits 3

This course examines the basic legal and ethical issues in education and included a survey of case law dealing with the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of teachers, administrators, and counselors.

IL-571: School Finance Resource Management

Credits 3

This course examines the law, theory, and practice of local, state, and federal funding of education, budget preparation, and control of funds. Related topics include the function of personnel management, including the hiring and retention of qualified personnel; insurance; and risk management; facility planning, financing, construction, maintenance, and operations; auxiliary services including food service and pupil transportation; and purchasing, inventory, and distribution.

IL-589: School Leadership Licensure Assessment (SLLA)

Credits 0

Instructional Leadership (IL – Leading to Initial Tennessee Leadership Licensure) candidates are required to take and pass the SLLA in accordance with Tennessee state licensure and University graduation requirements. Prerequisite: Admission to the Instructional Leadership Licensure Program.

IL-595: Topics in Educ. Admin/Supervision

This course will address a topic of interest enriching the existing course offerings and expanding candidate learning and experiences. Topics will be developed by an assigned faculty member as approved by the Dean of the School of Education. The course will be offered as required.

IL-611: Assessment for School Improvement

Credits 3

This course focuses on developing a culture and climate of school improvement. Emphasis will be placed on setting a strategic direction for school improvement, organizational alignment, data collection, and analysis. Ed.S. core requirement.

IL-612: Clinical Practice for Assessment & School Improvement

Credits 3

This course is the companion practicum for IL 611, Assessment for School Improvement, which provides field experience in educational settings with an emphasis on promoting the success of all students by establishing a positive school culture, providing an effective instructional program, applying research-based best practices for student learning, utilizing assessment data, and designing comprehensive professional growth for staff. Experience collecting, analyzing, and utilizing data to inform practice, instruction, and assessment is stressed. 

IL-651: Federal Educational Law and Ethics

Credits 3

This course provides Educational Specialist candidates a foundation in the federal legal and ethical issues in education. A survey of case laws dealing with the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of teachers, administrators, and counselors. Topics include law of education, ethics, and legal decision making in education; children with disabilities (IDEA) and 504; the federal court system; Title IX; and law, ethics, and the educational leadership connection. 

IL-652: Leadership for Educational Programs

Credits 3

This course focuses on leadership, the change process, and strengthening and maintaining interpersonal relationships to provide a foundation for improvement in educational programs. 

IL-653: Clinical Practice for Instructional Leadership

Credits 3

This course is the companion practicum for IL 652, Leadership for Educational Programs, which focuses on leadership, with an emphasis on leading literacy efforts, managing the change process, and strengthening and maintaining interpersonal relationships to provide the foundation for improvement in teaching and learning in diverse educational settings. The aim of the course is to move from theory to practice by providing emerging educational leaders with craft knowledge, especially in the areas of curriculum, teaching, and learning, while developing a professional vision, mission, and philosophy of school leadership.

IL-661: Tennessee Finance and Human Resources

Credits 3

This course provides Education Specialist candidates a foundation in the standard financial operating procedures and routines in educational settings in Tennessee. Candidates also develop an understanding of resource management. Topics include, but not limited to, evaluating staff, and liability in the local district, school, and classroom pertinent to students, faculty and staff.

IL-686: Capstone Portfolio

Credits 3

Instructional Leadership (IL) licensure candidates will complete the electronic portfolio including their final philosophy of education, specific assignments from coursework, and other artifacts as required by the Tennessee Instructional Leadership Standards (TILS) and the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). Documentation of the 100 Hour Practicum is also a requirement for the completed portfolio.  Pass/Fail grade

IL-689: SLLA

Credits 0

Initial Instructional Leadership Licensure candidates are required to take and pass the SLLA in accordance with Tennessee state licensure requirements. A passing score is required for licensure and graduation. Prerequisite: Admission to the Instructional Leadership Licensure Program

IP-610: Instructional Strategies for Diverse Learners

Credits 3

This course explores researched-based strategies to increase student achievement in diverse student populations. Topics include students in poverty, diverse cultural and social groups, English language learners and special needs learners.