Leadership Bridge


EDLB-703 : Diversity in the Workplace

Credits 3

This course provides foundational information concerning our multicultural society as diversity poses both challenges and benefits within the workplace. The world is changing at an ever-increasing rate- globalization, the amount of information readily available, the complexion of our work environment, and the number and diversity of people with whom we interact- all factors contributing to the changing demographics of our own nation, with diversity creating an inclusive workforce culture that is quickly becoming a workplace reality. Strengths of this course provide a focal point of developing awareness as well as strategies to manage and leverage workplace diversity. Students explore the importance of learning and understanding cultural similarities as well as differences and how this information relates to the workplace.

EDLB-730 : Research Frameworks

Credits 3

This course will provide a basic introduction to quantitative and qualitative research within the social sciences. An introduction to probability theory and the logic of statistical hypothesis testing (e.g. general univariate procedures such as t-test, correlation, ANOVA models, and simple regression) as well as a basic familiarity with analyzing data, transforming data, scales of measurement, and measures of central tendency and variation will be developed through case study analysis. Additionally, the course will introduce the philosophy, politics and techniques of qualitative research. Coursework will require critical thinking and explores the assumptions carried into research. The course will serve as a preliminary stage for the student's independent development as a researcher and the expansion of research ideas.

EDLB-820 : Adult Learning Principles

Credits 3

Learning is in every component of the human experience. Understanding how adults learn and apply expertise to practical everyday situations provides the student opportunities to broaden understandings regarding the capacity of the human mind, what motivates learning and as future leaders, empowers others. This course introduces students to the theory and practice of adult education emphasizing those theories, models, and principles applied to the workplace and other adult learning venues. Students will explore adult learning in different contexts and become acquainted with the main debate as well as the philosophies and methodologies utilized within adult education.

EDLB-828 : Organiztnl Assessmnt/Evaluatn

Credits 3

The course is focused on the process of problem identification and formulation in organizations and the factors that impact the process. Considerations will include the environmental context of identification and solutions, processes of formulating problem definitions, and emergent themes of problem identification and formulation within organizations. Emphasis will be placed on the identification, collection, and analysis of data that will impact organizational problem solving.

EDLB-829 : Ldshp: Forecast/Strategic Plan

Credits 3

This course considers two aspects of strategic planning: problem finding and problem solving. Students learn to evaluate organizational needs by applying data analysis techniques, exploring future trends and investigating collective beliefs and values. Consideration is given to the role of shared values and participatory decision making in formulating visions for the future. Problem solving focuses on developing a framework for aligning the vision, mission, and goals of the organization. Basic concepts and techniques of the Strategic Planning Process are presented.