Library Services

The Carnegie-Vincent Library and Reed Health Sciences Library maintain a website,, to provide students with access to databases both on- and off-campus, contact information for the library and librarians, access to the LMU Libraries Online Catalog, information regarding library services, tutorials on library resources and search processes, resources guides, and web-based forms to submit requests for resources to be borrowed through Interlibrary Loan or to be delivered to distant locations. Overall, the Library provides access to a wealth of information in 263 (229 subscribed, 34 open access) databases, approximately 83,000 full-text journals, 414,000 e-books, and 73,000 print books. Resources are accessible to students and faculty in the libraries and remotely using their LMU account credentials. Assistance is available via phone, email, chat and in-person. The Library currently has staffed locations at the main library at Harrogate, LMU Cedar Bluff, LMU Tower, LMU Knoxville, and Tampa - Florida, with computers and/or laptops available in most of the locations, or conveniently located adjacent to the Library. Small print collections are available at Ewing – Virginia, Corbin – Kentucky, and Chattanooga – Tennessee.