LMU Student Complaint Process

LMU provides a number of avenues through which students can address issues of concern such as complaints and grievances. Students should express their concerns as quickly as possible through the appropriate channels. The formal complaint process of LMU is a separate process from the program specific appeal/grievance process in an academic program.

Students requiring assistance with these processes should contact the Dean of Students or Associate Dean of Students in the Office of Student Services. Depending upon a situation, students can address their complaints through the following resources:

  • Grades (Student Handbook, Graduate Programs Catalog)
  • Academic Issues (Graduate Programs Catalog)
  • Academic Appeals (Graduate Programs Catalog)
  • Other Academic Matters (Graduate Programs Catalog)
  • Non-Academic Appeals (Student Handbook)
    • Financial Aid (Student Handbook; Graduate Programs Catalog)
    • Sexual Harassment / Sexual Assault / Dating or Relationship Violence (Student Handbook)
    • Discriminatory Conduct (Student Handbook)
    • Student Code of Conduct (Student Handbook)
    • Traffic Appeals (Student Handbook)
    • Student Rights (Student Handbook)
    • Athletics / NCAA Compliance (Athletic Handbook) 
    • Title IX (Athletic Handbook and Graduate Programs Catalog)
    • ADA/504 (Student Handbook)
    • General Student Grievances (Student Handbook)
  • All complaints should be routed through the appropriate complaint/appeals process as outlined above.
  • Depending on the nature of the complaint, the matter should be brought to the attention of the office directly responsible for that area of the College or University via email with the word complaint noted in the subject line.
  • For concerns that are not resolved through the informal complaint process, the student is encouraged to file a formal complaint with the Institutional Compliance Officer using the Formal Student Complaint Form. Complaints and appeals should be well-documented.
  • Students are encouraged to move through the appropriate campus supervisory structure and exhaust all campus complaint procedures prior to appealing to any off-campus authority.