Policy for Administration of Graduate Assistantships

Programs of graduate study are designed to transform individuals from student to knowledgeable practitioner or professional scholar. When a graduate assistantship is well conceived and executed, it serves as an ideal instrument to facilitate the desired transformation. The primary goal of an assistantship is to facilitate progress toward the graduate degree.

The graduate assistant is expected to perform well academically to retain the assistantship. He/she is to be counseled and evaluated regularly by appropriate faculty to develop professional skills. The graduate assistant is expected to meet the obligations of the assignment and work a specified number of hours (departments using graduate assistantships are responsible for establishing the job description for each assistantship). He/she is to work under the supervision of experienced faculty/staff and to receive necessary in-service training for the assignment. The graduate assistant receives financial support for graduate study by contributing to the mission of the University. The totality of responsibility may be greater than that required of other students, but the opportunities for professional development also are greater for the graduate assistant.


An assistantship is a financial award, in the form of tuition assistance, to a graduate student for part-time work in a program of the University while pursuing a degree. Graduate assistants are appointed to perform various types of duties. Most commonly, the duties relate to supervisory or administrative functions of the University. Refer to the IRS website for the most updated information on the tax implications of graduate assistantships.

Qualification of Graduate Assistants

Graduate assistants must be currently enrolled in a graduate program with all requirements completed for admission to degree candidacy.

Application Process

Graduate students wishing to apply for assistantship are to apply online through the LMU website.

Work Assignments and Related Factors

Work assignments for each assistantship should be as specific as possible and should be developed to reflect both the needs of the department and each graduate assistant’s obligation to make satisfactory progress in his/her program. Therefore, to the extent possible, the department using the graduate assistant should describe the assignment to reflect the time requirements to be spent performing the tasks of the assignment appropriately. In situations where the work assignment cannot be specifically described or must be changed from the initial assignments, the graduate assistant should clearly be informed before agreeing to or continuing the assignment.

Required Application Dates

All graduate assistant application materials and required admission materials must be submitted within the following dates:

Full year July 15
Spring November 15
Summer April 15

Any exceptions to the stated application dates must have the approval of the Dean.