Criminal Justice


CRIM-505 : Theories of Crime and Criminal Justice

Credits 3

This course is a comprehensive examination of prevalent theoretical perspectives in criminology and criminal justice with an emphasis on contemporary innovations in theoretical perspectives, policy implications, and scholarly research.

CRIM-506 : Ethics and Issues in Criminal Justice

Credits 3

This course is an in-depth examination of critical issues within criminal justice. The class also requires students to explore the key ideologies and ethical foundations of the justice system.

CRIM-510 : Crime and Public Policy Analysis

Credits 3

Critical examination of crime and criminal justice policy with special emphasis on the political process related to criminal justice policy, the influence of social conditions on crime and policy, and exploration of alternative public policy options related to crime prevention.

CRIM-511 : Criminal Justice Research Methods

Credits 3

This course is a comprehensive examination of the scientific research process including research ethics, research design, and various research techniques with a focus on quantitative research methods including survey research, regression analysis, and use of quantitative research software. This course requires students to complete a research proposal that includes a comprehensive literature review and a research design that can be used for the student's thesis project.

CRIM-605 : Homeland Security and Emergency Management

Credits 3

Since September 11, 2001 public safety professionals have seen a qualitative shift in the scope of their work that places a greater emphasis on addressing threats posed by terrorism and natural disasters. This course will examine the changing face of public safety in the United States with an emphasis on the legal, ethical, and policy-related issues associated with the focus on "homeland security" and the "war on terror".

CRIM-615 : International Crime and Policy

Credits 3

This course will explore international crime and international policy related to criminal activity that extends beyond the boundaries of the United States. Topics will include international crime trends, international law, and comparative analysis of criminal justice policy.

CRIM-620 : Victimology

Credits 3

This course is an examination of victimization, including the role of victims in the criminal event, challenges faced by crime victims in relation to social institutions, and criminal justice policies related to helping crime victims. Focus will be placed on policy alternatives related to aiding crime victims including restorative justice.

CRIM-625 : Juvenile Justice

Credits 3

This course is an examination of juvenile crime, the juvenile justice system, and theories of juvenile offending including life-course perspectives, developmental theories, and childhood intervention programs.

CRIM-630 : Community Corrections and Offender Reentry

Credits 3

This course is a critical examination of community corrections policy and offender reentry programs. Special focus will be given to examining factors related to offender recidivism and alternative public policy options that may improve successful offender reentry.

CRIM-635 : Crimes of the Powerful

Credits 3

This course is an examination of crimes committed by the powerful, including corportate crime, white-collar crime, governments, and other types of elite deviance. The course will examine theoretical explanations with a particular focus on critical perspectives and how the influence of powerful agents in society contributes to this category of crime.

CRIM-640 : Race, Gender, Class and Crime

Credits 3

This course provides an in-depth examination of crime with a focus on the role of race, gender, and social class and critical evaluation of criminal justice policy. Special emphasis will be placed on critical theories of race, gender, and social class.

CRIM-645 : Rural Criminal Justice

Credits 3

This course will examine the challenges faced by criminal justice agencies in rural areas including personnel issues, resource management, crime trends in rural areas, and other special concerns related to the administration of justice in a rural community. Special attention will be given to Appalachia.

CRIM-650 : Qualitative Research Methods

Credits 3

This course is a comprehensive examination of the scientific research process including research ethics and research design with a focus on qualitative research methods including content analysis, narrative criminology, archival research, and use of qualitative research software. This course requires the student to complete a qualitative research project that demonstrates the ability to use qualitative methods.

CRIM-660 : De-Criminalization of Mental Illness

Credits 3

Criminalization of persons who have serious mental illness is a subject of enormous complexity in terms of understanding how it came about, the problems that mentally ill persons face in our jails and prisons, and how to confront these problems.  This course will review how to reverse criminalization and how to treat these persons in the community, either after release or, if possible, before they have been criminalized. This course is a comprehensive summary of these issues and how they impact the criminal justice system.

CRIM-695 : Special Topics

Credits 3

This seminar will be used to provide students and faculty the opportunity to devote in-depth study toward a particular topic of interest that is not available through other coursework. The individual faculty member conducting the seminar will determine the course content.

CRIM-696 : Independent Study

Credits 1

The independent study is an opportunity for the student to conduct in-depth study on a topic of particular interest  and/or to provide the opportunity to work closely with a faculty member on a research project. Students must have successfully completed at least provisional admission requirements or have been fully admitted and obtain instructor approval. Students are limited to 6 credit hours of Independent Study credit towards elective requirements.

CRIM-697 : Thesis Research

Students must complete a thesis research project that demonstrates an exceptional level of knowledge and expertise in their chosen topic of study including scholarly research skill. The project must include a substantial literature review component and analysis of a research question chosen by the student and approved by the thesis advisor and committee. Student must successfully defend the research to the thesis committee.

CRIM-698 : Internship

Credits 1

An internship is a credited course that allows students to gain practical work experience with a department-approved nonprofit, governmental, or public-serving organization. Students participating in an internship fulfill their writing requirement by describing the structure, activities, and importance of the organization. Students also document their own activity as a member of the organization with an emphasis on the relationship between supervisor and intern. Finally, students provide an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the organization in serving their communities.

* The internship is a minimum of 60 hours per credit hour.

* This course is designed specifically for master level students who want the opportunity to be exposed to a career that matches their academic and personal interests. This course allows students the option of engaging in field or practical experience prior to graduation that increases their marketing value for job placement.

CRIM 635 : Crimes of the Powerful

Credits 3

This course is an examination of crimes committed by the powerful, including corporate crime, white-collar crime, governments, and other types of elite deviance. The course will examine theoretical explanations with a particular focus on critical perspectives and how the influence of powerful agents in society contributes to this category of crime.

CRIM 665 : Cybercrime

Credits 3

The purpose of this course is to present a broad overview of cybercrime and cybercriminal issues, including a basic understanding of computer technology, the history of computer crime, types of computer crime, legal aspects of cybercrime, defenses against cybercrime, investigatory techniques, and possible future areas of concern.