Academic Integrity

The integrity of the learning experience is built upon the mutual responsibilities of students and faculty. It is the responsibility of the faculty of LMU to foster complete honesty, fairness, and truthfulness in all teaching and learning activities, i.e. “academic integrity.” Based on this shared responsibility and definition, the faculty identify the following as violations of academic integrity and provide typical consequences for these violations while reserving the right to use their own judgment, within the bounds of academic freedom, to determine if academic integrity has been violated and to determine the fair consequences for that violation. Where proctors are assigned and responsible for assessment supervision, they have the same authority and responsibilities of faculty members. Students are expected to complete original work. This standard has been developed with input from the LMU Faculty Senate and the LMU Student Government Association and approved by the LMU Academic Council. Faculty must also design learning activities and assessment environments to minimize opportunities for students to violate academic integrity. If a violation is observed or otherwise detected, faculty may stop the activity for those involved and then review the evidence with their immediate supervisor and/or academic Dean. Following this review, the student(s) involved will be notified of the specific violation and consequences. Students cited for violations may follow the appeals process in the academic program. If the appeal is not resolved in the LMU school or college, the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs will receive and resolve the appeal. Consequences for violating academic integrity by students range from a zero on the assignment to suspension from the University. Repeated violation within a course usually results in immediate failure of that course.

Violations in multiple courses, including repeating the same course in another semester, usually results in immediate failure and suspension from the University. Violations of academic integrity will be recorded and archived in the student discipline records by the Associate Dean of Students and in the academic records of the University by the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs. The student’s academic advisor will also be notified of the violation

Cheating - Cheating may be active or passive. Active cheating is when one decides and pursues behavior that is dishonest. Passive cheating is when one decides to do nothing to prevent cheating or fails to notify the academic authority (i.e., the instructor) of cheating. Dishonesty of any kind on academic assignments is cheating. Academic assignments are diverse but usually include: quizzes, exams, problem sets, essays, research papers, analysis papers, book reviews, creative objects, performances, speeches, and presentations. Unauthorized possession of examination questions or answers, the use of unauthorized notes during an examination, obtaining information during an examination from another student, assisting others to cheat (collusion), altering grade records, or illegally entering an office are instances of cheating. These violations may be in person or via technology. Faking an illness in order to take a test at a different time, failure to report others who are violating academic integrity, bullying/intimidating others to prevent reporting of a violation and falsifying an attendance sheet are also forms of cheating. In addition, forgery, falsification, fabrication, and misrepresentation are cheating. Copyright infringement is stealing and cheating the creator of recognition or compensation for intellectual property.

Plagiarism - Plagiarism is regarded by the faculty and administration as a very serious offense. Plagiarism is to present the work of others as one’s own. Failure to give proper acknowledgment/citation to the original author of a statement, or statements, is the most common form of plagiarism. Plagiarism is also to present as new and original work that was completed and submitted previously by the same author(s). Any student who fails to give credit for quotations or essentially identical material taken from books, magazines, encyclopedias, web sources or other reference works, or from the essays, research papers, or other writing of a fellow student has committed plagiarism.

Instructors may prohibit access to and use of electronic devices in a course, especially during quizzes and examinations. Electronic devices include but are not limited to calculators, telephones, smartwatches, computers, and tablets. Where computers are used for testing, the faculty member is expected to design and regulate the environment to minimize opportunities for students to violate academic integrity. This may include using lock-down web browser technology. Additional and more specific guidance, standards, and consequences with respect to academic integrity may be defined in each course syllabus. The syllabus may also state other specific expectations that will be followed in courses to encourage academic integrity. Students are encouraged to clarify with the instructor the exact meaning of academic integrity in each course and learning situation.

Faculty may define more specific standards of academic integrity in each specific course along with consequences, up to failure in the course, and dismissal from the University, for violation of those standards. Many will expect written works to be submitted via TurnItIn or SafeAssign accessed in the course Canvas site.