DOSYS-715 : Medical Neuroanatomy

This course can only be taken by students enrolled as an Osteopathic Medicine Student (OMS).

This course provides an introduction to the human nervous system. The basic structure and common disorders of the PNS and CNS will be emphasized throughout this course; however, an understanding of the peripheral distribution of the cranial and spinal nerves covered in the concurrent Medical Gross Anatomy (DOSYS-701) will be considered prerequisite knowledge. This course is the first of a two-part series, and will cover the following topics: fundamentals of neuroanatomy and synaptic transmission; superficial, cross-sectional, and connectional anatomy of the brain and spinal cord; the function and spinal distribution of the corticospinal, spinothalamic, and dorsal column-medial lemniscus pathways; and the functional anatomy of reflexes and the autonomic nervous system in the thorax and abdomen.