Life Science


LSCI-503 : Advanced Molecular Genetics & Cell Biology

Credits 3

This course is an in-depth coverage of Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic molecular cell biology. Topics include structure and utilization of the organismal genome; nuclear and cytoplasmic division; membrane structure, transport, and compartment dynamics; cell communication; cell-cycle regulation; cytoskeletal structure and dynamics; cellular aspects of multicellular development and apoptosis. Assigned readings in current primary literature will be used to extend learning of topics in this course. This course has a required critical analysis paper.

LSCI-504 : Advanced Techiques for Molecular Biology

Credits 2

This course integrates theorectical underpinnings of contemporary molecular techniques with applied skills using those techniques. Each student is expected to successfully perform each technique and create a written report the results using publication standards of a current refereed journal. The actual menu of techniques may vary depending on the students' area of interst. Typically techniques will incluse PCR, bacterial transformation, advanced agarose and polyacrylamide electrophoresis, Western, Southern, and/or Northern blotting, ELISA, or animal tissue culture. Pre-Requisites: Admission to the Master of Science program and satisfactory completion of an undergraduate genetics course.

LSCI-506 : Microscopic Imaging Theory and Technique

Credits 3

This course will address light, electron, atomic force, and confocal microscopy as complimentary study methods. The history of microscopy will allow comparison and contrasts of light and electron optics. The focus of the course will be on advanced imaging techniques, especially electron microscopy. Electron paths will be followed from filament generation of primary electrons, focusing electrons through the column, to specimen interactions generating secondary and backscattered electrons, and X-rays. Techniques will include sample fixation, dehydration, mounting, coating and storage for high and low vacuum systems. A discussion of X-ray microanalysis will show the quantitative side of advanced imaging. Students will gain hands-on experience with scanning electron microscopy. This course has complimentary lecture and lab assignments. Pre-Requisities: Admission to the Master of Science program.

LSCI-507 : Life Sciences Research Instrumentation

Credits 2

This course introduces students to analytical technology platforms used in life sciences molecular research. The course will review specific technologies, online databases, online calculators, and primary literature review strategies. The course will include significant laboratory instruction each week with advanced orientation to technologies including mass spectrometry, NMR, PCR, and cell fractionation. Students will be introduced to protocols for obtaining and preparing biological materials for analysis as well as relating molecular characterizations to the genome and metabolism. Critical reveiw of the literature, including assigned readings, will be a key element to all aspects of the course. Two papers are required: a research methodology review and a grant proposal. Pre-Requisites: Admission to the Master of Science program.

LSCI-508 : Techniques in Physiological Research

Credits 2

This course will introduce well-accepted methods, rationale and limitations for evaluating an array of functions in humans and animals. This course will provide students with the skills necessary to construct solid research designs for research applications, and the foundation required to critically review studies in the field of psycology. Pre-Requisites: Admission to the Master of Science program and satisfactory completion of an upper-level biochemistry course.

LSCI-510 : Principles of Physiology

Credits 3

This course is an in-depth coverage of vertebrate physiology. Study will include the specific function of all major vertebrate organ systems along with focus on neurological and endocrine regulatory integration. Assigned readings in current primary literature will be used to extend learning of topics in this course. This course has a required critical analysis paper.

LSCI-604 : Research Design & Analysis

Credits 3

This course covers the principles and applications of research design in the life sciences. This includes framing and articulating a research question, creating testable hypotheses, collecting valid data, approaches to data analyses, and presentation of results. Examples from the primary literature will be discussed and evaluated.

LSCI-605 : Scholarly Writing in Life Science

Credits 2

This course focuses on formal scientific writing. It emphasizes concise communication of the research process. It includes both written and oral presentations of previous relevant background studies, statement of the research question, detailing of materials and methods, linkage of claims, warrants, and evidence, and concluding discussions. A written research proposal draft is required for completion of this course. Pre-Requisites: LSCI 604 is a pre-requisite for the LSR degree. LSCI 604 is not a pre-requisite for the AS and BMS degrees. 

LSCI-606 : Appl Ethics Biomed Sci

Credits 3

Applied Ethics is the inquiry from the standpoint of moral philosophy into practical decision making. The focus of the course will concern ethical issues in relation to research and practice in the biomedical sciences. The course's instructional format will include a combination of lecture, video, small group discussion, and seminar. It will also include independent study of a focused topic selected by the student in consultation with their supervisor. The course will be primarily "Case Based" covering a range of topics with the emphasis on ethical decision-making. Ethical theory will be discussed in relation to making the most reasoned and informed argument for practical courses of action. Special attention will be given to the ethical dimensions of research involving human and non-human subjects. Pre-Requisites: Admission into the Master of Science Program and at least one prior undergraduate course in ethics.

LSCI-610 : Advanced Immunology

Credits 3

This course is designed for students who have background knowledge in immunology. This course will investigate the immune response and its involvement in health and disease through the use of case studies, webinars, and literature reviews. Topic areas covered include, but are not limited to, innate and adaptive immunity, regulation of the immune system, induction and role of cell types and subsets, transplant immunology, immuno-pathologies, tumor immunology, and immunotherapies. Pre-Requisites: Admission to the Master of Science program.

LSCI-611 : Princ of Pharmacology

Credits 3

This introductory course covers key pharmacologic concepts related to the physiologic, cellular, and biochemical actions of major drug classes used in human medicine. Students will learn basic scientific concepts including the theoretical basis of pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics as well as the molecular and physiologic actions of drugs that influence function of the autonomic nervous system, the somatic nervous system, the central nervous system, the cardiopulmonary/renal systems, the endocrine system, the immune system, and actions of drugs that target microbial infection. In addition, students will apply pharmacologic principles to understand impact of drugs of abuse, important drug interactions, and actions of dietary/botanical supplements. Prerequisites: Admission to the Master of Science program

LSCI-612 : Medical Microbiology

Credits 4

This course will introduce basic principles and then apply those principles to clinical relevance. All aspects of microbiology will be explored. This course will cover taxonomy, metabolism, pathogenesis, modes of transmission, epidemiology, methods of isolation and control for pathogenic bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. This course will include etiological agents responsible for many infectious diseases that future practitioners would encounter.

LSCI-613 : Case Studies in Life Sciences

Credits 1

Selected case studies and case reports from the primary literature and other resources are critically presented and discussed. Students are expected to apply pre-requisite knowledge and skills to be able to discuss and evaluate case information. Attendance required. Pre-requisites: Admission to the Master of Science program

LSCI-614 : Prin Infectious Disease/Epidemiology

Credits 3

This course will cover the basic methods for infectious diseases epidemiology. Emphasis will be on definitions, outbreak investigations, disease surveillance, dynamic of transmission, effectiveness of vaccines, and diagnostics across species. The case studies will focus on diarrheal diseases, hepatitis, HIV, sexually transmitted diseases, parasitic diseases, and other vector-borne diseases. The course will also cover One Health and the connectivity of human, animal and environment.

LSCI-615 : Communications in Healthcare

Credits 3

Explores effective communication in health care. Various techniques will be considered in finding better ways to have discussions with colleagues and consultations with patients. This will include written and verbal communication in the various ways these now occur. The course will focus on special considerations in communication among the diverse populations of people with whom medical professionals can expect to interact. An important facet of this exploration is that the range of cultural norms in communities requires an understanding that the rich diversity is to be appreciated and respected.

LSCI-616 : Curriculum and Assessment

Credits 3

This course provides an analysis of curriculum development and methods for aligning course content to goals and evaluation procedures. The philosophical, historical, and psychological foundations of curriculum will be explored to help students better understand how curriculum models might be utilized in an ever changing and emerging educational environment. Topics explored will include course organization, teaching strategies/methods in the biological science classroom, preparing educational units, developing the laboratory content, teaching methods, learning styles, etc.

LSCI-653 : Special Topics in Life Science

Credits 3

Various specific life sciences topics are covered which include in-depth presentation, analysis and discussion of the related primary literature. May be repeated with a different topic. Pre-Requisites: Admission to the Master of Science program and permission of instructor.

LSCI-683 : Graduate Research Project

Credits 1

The graduate student conducts life science research under the supervision of a graduate research mentor. A written research report is required to complete the course. May be repeated for credit.

LSCI-693 : Life Science Thesis Research

Credits 1

The graduate student conducts life science research under the supervision of a graduate research mentor for completion of the approved Master of Science thesis proposal. May be repeated for credit at the discretion of the supervising committee. By permission of supervising committee only.

LSCI-699 : Life Science Thesis Research

The graduate student conducts life science research under the supervision of a graduate research mentor for completion of the approved Master of Science thesis proposal. May be repeated for credit at the discretion of the supervising committee. By permission of supervising committee only. Pass/Fail.